Category Archives: Tick Or Treat

New release – The Graveyard Shift

Tick or Treat #3 – The Graveyard Shift. As always, I enjoyed creating this so much.

Update On The Graveyard Shift

I’m whipping through the test piece for Tick Or Treat #3 – The Graveyard Shift. I had trouble putting down my needle while stitching the front piece and am already onto the back piece.

The Witching Hour is Upon Us

Oh, I had a fun time with this. I’m happy to announce the release of my second Tick Or Treat 3D clock – The Witching Hour.

Witching Hour Stitching

Getting closer to a finish on the model for Tick Or Treat #2 – The Witching Hour. I’m also in the middle of designing the fifth Tick Or Treat clock. Fun, fun, fun!

Progress on The Witching Hour

I’ve just passed the halfway mark and have made a start on the front piece of the model for Tick Or Treat 3D clock #2 – The Witching Hour. Having so much fun with this.