Category Archives: BrightSea Village

Once Upon A Midnight Progress

I’m absolutely enjoying stitching with these colours. Just about halfway through now.

Also: BrightSea Village’s Toy Shop should be released in the next few days.

Minutes Away From A Finish

Just a little bit more back-stitching and I’ll have finished stitching BrightSea Village‘s Toy Shop.  And of course I’m all ready to get started on my next project – my second Pyramajig, Trick Or Treat. I already know what I want to stitch after that and am super excited about it so I’ll be stitching as fast as I can.

Toy Shop Progress Report

Only one and a bit walls to go. I so want to get started on my next project (isn’t that always the way?) so I’m stitching as often as I can.

I’m Still Stitching

This is where I’m up to on BrightSea Village’s Toy Shop.

I’ve finished two other projects in the months since I released The Vardo for BrightSea Village but I’m waiting for my IT person to have time to do his magic.